Create a Career Goal
Describe Where You Want to Go in Your Career Now you will begin to create your own career development goal. This will usually be a
long-term goal A long-term goal is a goal you want to accomplish in the future. Long-term goals require time and planning. They are not something you can do this week or even this year. Long-term goals are usually at least several years away.
. It will describe where you want to go in your career.

Think about the Top Job you selected. Use your CareerCare objective and deep motivation to help you draft your goal.

Your CareerCare Goal: You have not identified your main reason, or objective, for using CareerCare. You do this in the Why Develop My Career section.
Your Motivation You have not yet recorded your motivation, or why you are taking part in CareerCare. Do this in the Why Develop My Career section.

Here are some examples of career development goals.

  1. Go back to school to become an x-ray technician.
  2. Transfer to the Finance Department.
  3. Get a promotion into a management position in my current department.
Don’t worry about getting your goal perfect here. You’ll work through the SMART process in the next step to refine and finalize your goal.

Write your career development goal below
Review your Top Job below if you need help getting started.

You have not chosen a final job. Return to Step 2 to do so.
Your Top Job

Nice job! Now that you’ve drafted your goal, move on to the next step to make it a SMART goal.
Nice job! Now that you’ve drafted your goal, move on to the next step to make it a SMART goal.

Your career development goal is...

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