Discover Your Motivation
Your Motivation Will Keep You Focused

Now that you've defined your objective for using Careercare, let's take it a step further and discover your deep motivation.

Explore your deep motivation for using CareerCare.

Reaching your career goals takes time and can be hard work. To help you keep focused on your passion and driving force, you will ask yourself two questions to find the root motivation for why you are taking part in CareerCare.

Your CareerCare Objective: You have not identified your main reason, or objective, for using CareerCare. You do this in the Why Develop My Career section.

What are you hoping to achieve through CareerCare?

For example, you might want job security, to change careers, or to get a promotion in your organization.
Why is this important to you?

The answer to that "why" question is your motivation. For example, you might need to provide for your family. Or you might want to be challenged at your job or find a career that you enjoy.

Once you discover your deep motivation, we will remind you of it throughout your CareerCare journey to help give you a motivation boost whenever you need it.

Answer the following two questions.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, and
you can always come back here to change it.

What are you hoping to achieve through CareerCare?

Why is this important to you?

What are you hoping to achieve through CareerCare?

Why is this important to you?

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