My WorkKeys® Skills Results and Reflections>
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® measures foundational skills for success on the job like reading, graphic comprehension, critical thinking, and math. Knowing your skill levels will help you find healthcare jobs and careers that play to your strengths.
Measures the skills people use when they read and use written text such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies, and regulations on the job.
Measures the skill needed to locate, synthesize, and use information in a variety of graphic formats including charts, maps, diagrams, and others.
Measures critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving techniques for situations that occur in the workplace.
Use the information in your WorkKeys® report to learn more about your scores and your unique skills and abilities. This can also show you areas where you can develop your skills to help you be successful in achieving your career goals.
Career Skills Scores
My WorkKeys®Score
Self-assessments can help you discover interesting things about yourself. The goal is to use these insights to find a career path that is the best fit for you.
The WorkKeys Assessment helps you understand your work skills that equip you to succeed at your job. Reflect on your results and answer the following questions.
- How would you summarize your strengths based on your Skills assessment results?
- What in your Skills assessment results surprised you? Why?
- What skills are you interested in improving?
- How motivated are you to put in the time and effort to build your skills? Think about activities like academic programs, training workshops, and on-the-job training.
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