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My Personality Traits and Reflections

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Your Personality Assessment results provide insights into your most visible, natural behaviors. These behaviors are your personality traits and represent your most dominant character strengths and behavioral tendencies.

Your top five personality traits (called your Personality Traits Profile) are displayed below. Jobs and work tasks that require these traits will tend to feel natural and easy for you to perform.

Below your Personality Traits Profile you will find your scores for all fifteen traits. Scores are displayed on a scale of Less Pronounced, Moderately Pronounced, and More Pronounced. Scoring high or low on the scale is neither good nor bad. Instead, your scores will help you see your strengths. Keep in mind that both high and low represent different kinds of strengths.

Learn more about your personality traits by reviewing your score for each one. Use this information to help you find a job that aligns with your personality traits and therefore is most satisfying for you.

The Five Factor model is the standard model of personality in academic and applied psychological research. For use in assessments, each domain of the model is made up of smaller facets, which represent your typical behaviors, or personality traits.

The Five Factors are: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Extroversion, and Openness.

Each of the Five Factors is made up of smaller facets, or personality traits. This diagram outlines the personality traits that fall within each of the Five Factors.

My Personality Traits Profile
These are your top five traits. Below these you will be able to do a deep dive into all fifteen of your personality traits.

Results from
Personality Assessment
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Self-assessments can help you discover interesting things about yourself. The goal is to use these insights to find a career path that is the best fit for you.

The Personality Traits Assessment helps you understand your unique behavioral tendencies and character strengths. Reflect on your results and answer the following questions.

  1. In reviewing your Personality assessment results, what seems most accurate to you?

  2. What in your Personality assessment results surprised you? Why?

  3. Did you disagree with anything in your Personality assessment results? If so, why?

  4. What did you learn about yourself that might change what you are looking for in a job or career path?