Introduction Wrap-Up
Learn More About Career Success

Achieving success in your career is about being focused on where you want to go. Click the CLiMB image to launch this microlearning to discover four success factors that will help you grow in your career!
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Length: 10-20 minutes
Great job! You have completed the CareerCare introduction! In the introduction you have:
  • Heard success stories about other people who have achieved their dream jobs.
  • Defined your CareerCare objective.
  • Discovered your deep motivation for career development.
Your CareerCare Objective: You have not identified your main reason, or objective, for using CareerCare. You do this in the Why Develop My Career section.
Your Motivation You have not yet recorded your motivation, or why you are taking part in CareerCare. Do this in the Why Develop My Career section.
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