My Obstacle Analysis
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You have not identified your main reason, or objective, for using CareerCare. You do this in the Why Develop My Career section.
You have not yet recorded your motivation, or why you are taking part in CareerCare. Do this in the Why Develop My Career section.
Complete your Obstacle Analysis:
- 1. Reflect on the obstacles below (rate them if you haven’t done so yet).
- 2. Click the Create Steps for each obstacle.
- 3. Answer the questions to create your plan to overcome each obstacle.
You have not yet chosen your final job. Return to Step 2 to do so.
You rated this obstacle:
Not having the required skills for a job is a common obstacle to making a career change. But many people have successfully moved past that roadblock. You can move past it too!
My steps to overcome this obstacle:
- 1. Will this obstacle stop you from achieving your Top Job? Why or why not?
- 2. What resources, or people, can help you overcome this obstacle?
- 3. Have you, or someone you know, overcome this obstacle before? What was the solution?
- 4. List 3 steps you can take to overcome this obstacle.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
You rated this obstacle:
Finding time to get a new job is a common obstacle to making a career change. You have to spend time looking for new job opportunities, going for interviews, or even going back to school. This can be tricky to do while taking care of your regular work and personal life.
My steps to overcome this obstacle:
- 1. Will this obstacle stop you from achieving your Top Job? Why or why not?
- 2. What resources, or people, can help you overcome this obstacle?
- 3. Have you, or someone you know, overcome this obstacle before? What was the solution?
- 4. List 3 steps you can take to overcome this obstacle.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
You rated this obstacle:
Finding the money to get a new job can be a common obstacle when trying to change careers. Sometimes, you need to spend money on things like more school, childcare, or moving to a new place.
My steps to overcome this obstacle:
- 1. Will this obstacle stop you from achieving your Top Job? Why or why not?
- 2. What resources, or people, can help you overcome this obstacle?
- 3. Have you, or someone you know, overcome this obstacle before? What was the solution?
- 4. List 3 steps you can take to overcome this obstacle.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
You rated this obstacle:
Sometimes, when you want to change your career, you may need to learn more by getting another degree or certification. Certain jobs ask for specific qualifications, like special classes or training. Without them, it can be hard to switch to a new career.
My steps to overcome this obstacle:
- 1. Will this obstacle stop you from achieving your Top Job? Why or why not?
- 2. What resources, or people, can help you overcome this obstacle?
- 3. Have you, or someone you know, overcome this obstacle before? What was the solution?
- 4. List 3 steps you can take to overcome this obstacle.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Use this key to interpret the star ratings above: