Your Obstacle Analysis
Below is your Top Job and the common obstacles that people face when making a career change.

Review how you rated the obstacles to attaining your Top Job. Change the ratings now if you need to. If you haven’t already rated the obstacles, do it now.

Under each obstacle rating you will see a "Create Steps" button. Click this button for questions to help you think through specifically how you can work to move past each of these obstacles.
Your CareerCare Objective:
  • To advance in my career
  • To advance in my career
Your Motivation
  • I want to be fulfilled in my role

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Complete your Obstacle Analysis:
  1. Reflect on the obstacles below (rate them if you haven’t done so yet).
  2. Click the Create Steps for each obstacle.
  3. Answer the questions to create your plan to overcome each obstacle.
  4. View and print your Obstacle Analysis.
You have not yet chosen your final job. Return to Step 2 to do so.

When you are ready, use the buttons to continuentinue