Manage Your Bookmarked Jobs
Think About Obstacles You Might Face
Below is a list of the jobs you bookmarked.

You will now rate the obstacles you might face in pursuing these jobs. At the end of this exercise, you will have identified your Top 1 to 3 Jobs that you will learn more about in Step 2 of CareerCare.
Take the following steps to organize your jobs:
  1. Look over your list of bookmarked jobs. Remove any you are no longer interested in. Do more job research if needed before moving on.
  2. Rate each obstacle in the "Obstacles" section by clicking on the stars.
  3. Once you have rated the obstacles for all the jobs, click on "Refresh List" to sort them.
  4. Your jobs will sort based on the obstacles you may face for each job. Jobs with fewer obstacles will be listed first.
  5. Now select the 1 to 3 jobs you are most interested in exploring further. Review your job list and check the box "Save in Top Jobs." These jobs will carry into Step 2.
Your CareerCare Objective: You have not identified your main reason, or objective, for using CareerCare. You do this in the Why Develop My Career section.
Your Motivation You have not yet recorded your motivation, or why you are taking part in CareerCare. Do this in the Why Develop My Career section.

Ask yourself questions like:
  • Will I enjoy this work?
  • Is my healthcare organization hiring for this job?
  • Do I have the time and resources to get the education I need for this job?
You have not bookmarked any jobs. Return to the Job Research area and select jobs you are interested in learning more about.

When you are ready, use the buttons to continue