Career Pathing 101
There Are Several Ways You Can Grow Your Career
Career paths today are more flexible than they used to be because they’re not just about moving "up."
The right choice for you may be to move "sideways" on a career lattice.  
Moving sideways can offer benefits like developing new skills, exploring a different job or department, or giving you better opportunities for growth in the future.
Using the “career lattice” method lets you own your career in whatever way is best for you!  

Career Lattice vs. Ladder
The career lattice method works because you can grow in different ways. You don’t just have to move up in a straight line. You can also move sideways.
Career Ladder
Career paths used to only
look like this:

Career Lattice
Now career paths can also
look like this:

Moving "Up"

  • Moving up is the typical career path people think of to advance in their careers. It is also known as vertical progression.

  • Moving up is when your new job is higher on the organizational ladder AND is in the same field, department, or job type.

  • Moving up usually means you are getting more authority and responsibility. It might also include a promotion.
Moving "Sideways"

  • Moving up is not the only way to advance your career. You can also move sideways. This is also known as horizontal or lateral progression.

  • Moving sideways is when your new job is at the same level as your old job. However, the new job is in a different field, department, or job type.
In Step 1, you will explore job options that interest you. As you research these jobs, remember that you can either move up or sideways to achieve your dream job.
Ultimately, your career is like a project. Every day is a chance to make changes to create the life you want. Whether you move up or move sideways, it’s about finding the path that’s right for you.

Here are a few examples for inspiration:

Click each example to expand

Business Office Specialist


Medical Coder
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